
stalcraft item Tinderbox
Upgrade level
Rank Veteran
Class Other Weapons
Weight4.3 kg
Max. durability100%
Ammo type Flammable Mixture
Damage9 unit(s)
Magazine capacity0/50
Maximum distance6 m
Rate of fire600 shots/min
Reload5.65 sec
Tactical Reload5.65 sec
Weapon Ergonomics100%
Hip-fire spread
Vertical recoil0.05°
Draw time0.75 sec
Aiming time0.45 sec

Damage modifier

Headshot damage: x1
Limb damage: x1
Damage to mutants: x2
Every hit on a single target deals +2.5% damage, to a maximum of +100% damage. The hit counter resets after 5 sec. Each new hit refreshes the timer.


Fire damage66.67%
Absolute damage33.33%

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