stalcraft item HK MP5
Upgrade level
Rank Veteran
Class Submachine Guns
Weight3.38 kg
Max. durability100%
Ammo type 9 mm
Damage38.5 unit(s)
Magazine capacity0/30
Maximum distance120 m
Rate of fire800 shots/min
Reload2.5 sec
Tactical Reload2 sec
Weapon Ergonomics100%
Hip-fire spread2.4°
Vertical recoil0.42°
Horizontal recoil0.12°
Draw time0.85 sec
Aiming time0.15 sec

Damage modifier

Headshot damage: x1.25
Limb damage: x0.7
Overheat after 51 shots of continuous fire
Damage reduction at distance
Up to 8 meters38.5 unit(s)
From 36 to 120 meters22.4 unit(s)
This submachine gun is extremely popular thanks to its reliability, ease of use and high firing accuracy. The military and police departments of many countries are armed with this gun, which eventually appeared on the black market and made it to the Zone.

Auction Info


Rise Base | level 4
Factions of the North | level 4
Mercenary Camp | level 4
Covenant Abode | level 4
Frontier Base | level 4
Factions of the North | level 4

Cost: 941,000₽