
stalcraft item Equalizer
Upgrade level
Rank Veteran
Class Assault Rifles
Weight2.93 kg
Max. durability100%
Movement speed-3%
Ammo type 5.56
Damage36.1 unit(s)
Magazine capacity0/30
Maximum distance160 m
Rate of fire700 shots/min
Reload3.3 sec
Tactical Reload2.75 sec
Weapon Ergonomics90%
Hip-fire spread2.7°
Vertical recoil0.4°
Horizontal recoil0.15°
Draw time0.95 sec
Aiming time0.2 sec

Damage modifier

Headshot damage: x1.25
Limb damage: x0.7
Overheat after 56 shots of continuous fire
Damage reduction at distance
Up to 18 meters36.1 unit(s)
From 60 to 160 meters30.5 unit(s)
Thanks to several modifications, muzzle rise has been reduced. In addition, many parts have been replaced with lighter equivalents, which has substantially reduced the weight of the weapon, allowing for more accurate firing while on the move.

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