
stalcraft item SW1911
Upgrade level
Rank Veteran
Class Pistols
Weight1.1 kg
Max. durability100%
Ammo type 9 mm
Damage73.3 unit(s)
Magazine capacity0/7
Maximum distance65 m
Rate of fire350 shots/min
Reload2.75 sec
Tactical Reload2.25 sec
Weapon Ergonomics100%
Hip-fire spread
Vertical recoil0.72°
Horizontal recoil0.29°
Draw time0.3 sec
Aiming time0.15 sec

Damage modifier

Headshot damage: x1.25
Limb damage: x0.7
Overheat after 11 shots of continuous fire
Damage reduction at distance
Up to 4 meters73.3 unit(s)
From 20 to 65 meters42 unit(s)
An improved model of the M1911, this pistol became a classic automatic weapon and endured all military conflicts of the 20th century with flying colors. As with its predecessor, this modified version is manufactured by the dozens, if not the hundred, to this very day. Its limited magazine capacity might be regarded as its only shortcoming, however this is offset to some extent by its powerful rounds.

Auction Info


The Bar | level 5
The Bar | level 5

Cost: 94,000₽