
stalcraft item VSK-94
Upgrade level
Rank Master
Class Sniper Rifles
Weight3.73 kg
Max. durability100%
Movement speed-3%
Ammo type 9x39
Damage43.3 unit(s)
Magazine capacity0/20
Maximum distance180 m
Rate of fire550 shots/min
Reload3.5 sec
Tactical Reload2.6 sec
Weapon Ergonomics100%
Hip-fire spread
Vertical recoil0.5°
Horizontal recoil0.12°
Draw time1 sec
Aiming time0.3 sec

Damage modifier

Headshot damage: x1.4
Limb damage: x0.9
Overheat after 31 shots of continuous fire
Damage reduction at distance
Up to 30 meters43.3 unit(s)
From 70 to 180 meters40 unit(s)
A Russian sniper rifle based on the compact 9A-91 assault rifle and designed for silent, flash-suppressed firing. The VSK-94 was developed as a cheaper and more widely available alternative to the VSS Vintorez rifle. Indeed, the VSK-94 is effectively a cheap analog of the Vintorez: both systems use 9x39 rounds and have similar technical characteristics and tactical capabilities, but the VSK-94 is more technical, simpler in its configuration, cheaper to produce, and has a whole plethora of further advantages.

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