Apostle Super-Heavy Armored Suit

stalcraft item Apostle Super-Heavy Armored Suit
Upgrade level
Rank Master
Class Combat
Weight65 kg
Max. durability100%
Movement speed-15%
Carry weight+10
Combat NVG
Bullet resistance300
Laceration protection232
Explosion protection260
Resistance to electricity50
Resistance to fire50
Resistance to chemicals50
Radiation protection200
Thermal protection100
Bioinfection protection200
Psy-Emission protection200
Bleeding Protection60%


Ignores a weapon’s movement speed penalty

Compatible backpacks

Only light

Compatible containers

Compact and standard
When you see soldiers in this armor, be warned—the day of Judgment has come! These Covenant fanatics are bringing suffering to the world. But those who wear this armor are well protected from suffering due to the increased bullet resistance.

Auction Info


Covenant Abode | level 7

Cost: 3,810,000₽