Centurion Armored Exoskeleton

stalcraft item Centurion Armored Exoskeleton
Upgrade level
Rank Master
Class Combat
Weight40 kg
Max. durability100%
Movement speed-5%
Carry weight+20
Combat NVG
Bullet resistance247
Laceration protection193
Explosion protection200
Resistance to electricity50
Resistance to fire50
Resistance to chemicals50
Radiation protection200
Thermal protection100
Bioinfection protection200
Psy-Emission protection200
Bleeding Protection50%

Compatible backpacks

Only light

Compatible containers

Compact and standard
Virtually the perfect armor for combat. Good protection from bullets and fragmentation, comfortable, the best night-vision goggles—not everyone can afford a masterpiece like this.

Auction Info


Factions of the North | level 7
Rise Base | level 7
Frontier Base | level 7
Mercenary Camp | level 7
Factions of the North | level 7
Covenant Abode | level 7

Cost: 1,960,000₽